Buy E-signature

Long-term qualified e-signature

What will I need?

  • The FlintSign portal link, where you can buy your long-term electronic signature
  • Identity card or passport and address card, which the FlintSign administrator can use to identify you during the live web video identification
  • At the end of the purchase, you can choose between payment done by bank card and bank transfer
  • Mobile phone for which you will receive the one-time password required for identification

How do I get started?

  • After logging into the FlintSign system, press the Buy button in the lower left corner
  • Enter your billing information
  • Pay either by credit card or bank transfer
  • You will receive the invoice by email, and in a separate letter you will receive the link to start the identification

🎄🎁🔔A vásárlás az ünnepek alatt sem szünetel, de ügyfélszolgálatunk csak január 2-től lesz elérhető, a videós azonosításra is!🎉🍾🥂