Document library & qualified electronic signature available quickly and easily

Sign your documents with qualified electronic signature!
Store documents in our safe cloud system!
Sign all your documents electronically with your business partners.

Wherever you are, authenticate your documents electronically, which has the same legal effect as your traditional signatures!

Electronic signature available quickly and easily
Our electronic signature is accepted in all countries of the European Union

Why FlintSign?

It's secure and authentic
The electronic signature has the same legal value as the traditional signature. The service is authenticated and guaranteed by InfoCert S.p.A., which is Flintsign's trusted service provider. InfoCert S.p.A. is an internationally recognized IT corporation with secure background.
The qualified electronic signature is valid in the entire European Union!
The user behind the qualified electronic signature, is identified and due to this procedure the electronic signature is legally valid and widely accepted in the entire European Union due to the eIDAS regulation.
Fast activation, even today!
While activating your electronic signature, our Hungarian speaking administrators will authenticate you in a video call, so wherever you are, you can obtain your qualified electronic signature within the day. Our administrators are available on working days from 9 AM to 5 PM to activate your electronic signature.
Your service is valid for 3 years, with time-stamp feature too!
You can use limitless your qualified electronic signature for 3 years, while the signature is equipped with time-stamp, so it is precisely defined when you or your business partners signed the document.
Group signing option!
Invite your business partners and sign together as a group the documents, only with a few clicks. You can easily share your signed documents, with optional password protection included.
Reduce your costs and stay green!
Reduce the administrative, postal and printing costs of your company! The electronic signature is a 100% environmentally friendly solution. Less time is needed for signing documents, as there is no need for personal interactions.

How does it work?

Register for free on our website!
Do you already have an electronic signature? Use it!
Don't you have an electronic signature? Create one!
  • Register here on the Flintsign website
  • Confirm your registration via email
  • Buy your electronic signature
  • After you successfully bought your electronic signature enter the video-identification procedure and complete it
  • After the end of video-identification, create your InfoCert profile (which will be needed to authenticate your signature)
  • You are ready! You can use your first electronic signature!
You can find detailed instructions in the FAQ section.
Sign any PDF document!
Sign contracts with your business partners!

Invite your business partners and sign together as a group your documents!

Add your clients to the partner list
Sign your documents with a single push of a button
Follow trough the signature process!
Get notification if you are next in line in the signature process
You can also use it via a mobile app

Buy a qualified, personalized electronic signature from us!

long-term, qualified electronic signature
introductory price:
60 000 HUF + VAT
Valid for 3 years
Bundle content
Unlimited number of signatures
Unlimited number of time stamps
Accepted in all countries of the European Union
Unique signature
Android, iOS app
Remote, online video identification
Liability: 10m Euro
Cloud-based key storage

Frequently Asked Questions

Electronic signature is a legally recognized technology that enables the authentication of electronic documents. Electronic signatures are secure and verifiable, so they can replace handwritten signatures in almost any process. For example, it provides the possibility to sign and transmit contracts, agreements and licenses in electronic form, thereby increasing the efficiency of business processes and reducing administrative burdens.

  • Conclusion of contracts
  • Company signing and company representation online (by persons authorized to sign the company)
  • Issue of certificates of completion
  • Electronic authentication of documents
  • Verification of e-invoice
  • Signing employment documentation, tax certificates
  • Starting payment orders online
  • Issuance of certified electronic copies of paper-based documents

The certified electronic signature that can be purchased in the FlintSign system is provided by InfoCert S.p.A. as a trust service provider in accordance with the relevant regulations of the European Union.

Documents in PDF format can be signed.

If you log in to the site, click on the "Purchase e-signature" button in the sidebar to start the purchase process. You can also pay by bank card or bank transfer. In the case of payment by bank card, the transaction takes place via the online payment interface of CIB Bank.

During the electronic identification process, the first step is to check whether your computer is suitable for the identification process (it has a working webcam and microphone). The next step is to enter your personal data, followed by a short conversation with our clerk who performs the identification.

You can find the details of the process HERE.

🎄🎁🔔A vásárlás az ünnepek alatt sem szünetel, de ügyfélszolgálatunk csak január 2-től lesz elérhető, a videós azonosításra is!🎉🍾🥂